Monday, June 1, 2009

Global Warming

Global Warming

task 7: Climate Change Review

Problem and solution:

Global warming refers to the rise in the average temperature of the earth's surface and oceans (Wikipedia). This change is due to the increasing amount of greenhouse gases released in the atmosphere. Global warming is considered a very dangerous threat because it is slowly but surely affecting climate, crop cultivation and it is increasing the sea level as glaciers are melting, therefore changing the world map by increasing the areas covered by water. Many scientists feel that global warming will eventually affect living things and is already having a negative effect on some species and their habitats.

There are several suggested solutions; in small ways every person on earth can minimize the global warming: conservation of natural resources is important, saving water, sources of energy and non-renewable natural resources will ensure a better future. Political and public debate continues regarding the appropriate response to global warming. Skeptics of global warming believe that the world is worrying
about a problem that does not exist, many skeptics even believe that global warming is not a threat.
An advantage as it will help cultivation and will bring rain to areas that rarely receive rainfalls. Governments that have recognized global warming as a threat are confused about the steps they should take in limiting global warming; very few governments have agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as they feel it will limit development and growth. Developing countries do not wish to take big steps in the limitation of greenhouse gas emissions as they think that the developed countries are the cause of global warming. They feel that they too have to ensure their nation's growth and development and hence have handed over the responsibility of reducing global warming to the developed countries.

In my opinion, the different countries of the world have to recognize the problem and together solve it; the developed countries should accept that they have a bigger hand in causing global warming and hence should take the responsibility of reducing or limiting it too. The developing countries on the other hand should not indulge in fault games and should help in limiting global warming as it will not affect a particular region but will affect the world and all its regions.


"Global Warming." Http://
"Global warming proof undeniable." Http://
"Proof of global warming." Briefingroom. .

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cool City

We watched the Cool City video on 5-5-2009.
According to the video:

Economic development since the Industrial Revolution has been breathtaking but it has brought with it problems such as population pressure and CO2 emissions.
If we don't take action to solve these problems, we'll need a new earth and this is clearly impossible.
We have to reduce CO2 emissions by 50%.
In Japan during the last 30 years, GDP has gone up 100 per cent, while energy efficiency has increased by 37% & oil consumption decreased by 8%.
90% of CO2 emitted into the air comes from buildings and transport.Cool city is an environmentally friendly green city with minimal CO2 emissions. It t is being built by SDCJ, a group of Japanese companies.
There are three main zones: Business; Commercial/Cultural; and Residential.
There are three types of transport mentioned in the video and they are light transit rail, water taxis and hybrid cars.
Heat-reducing techniques: tree-planting; waterways; rooftop membranes.
Expected CO2 reductions: for eco-towers 50% and for eco-residences 30%.Overall reduction of CO2 emissions is expected to be 60%.

My opinion:
For me, I am not persuaded that it will be activated in the UAE because of the population's daily life and culture. Moreover, people in the UAE are not accustomed to living in a cool city. However foreign people are more than Emiratis in the UAE hence maybe it will work to establish this city.

My carbon footprint

Carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment and it relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc. The UAE's carbon footprint per capita is the highest in the world, because there is lack of environmental regulation and technology that help to reduce the footprint.

I measured my carbon footprint at and after I answered my quizzes about food, travel, home and stuff in different categories that were related to identify my footprint and I have got 2.75. The main factors of this result were from:
1) Home (45%)
2) Stuff (32%)
3) Food (21%)

Most of the students had similar figures. The average figure for CRE was approximately 3.87.

What can I do to reduce my carbon footprint?

Home is the largest contributor to my carbon footprint but I'm not sure what I can do to make considerable change. I used lot of electricity especially in summer; nevertheless I can’t use another alternative source of energy such as solar or wind energy because they are very expensive to install but I could replace electrical devices which use less power or switch off the unnecessary lights or power in the home.

Things such as clothes are the second largest contributor to my carbon footprint; I think if I want to reduce it, I should cut back buying clothes and limit using my mobile.

With regard to food, my diet is particularly healthy and I can't see what I can do to improve it. I walk every night and eat only twice a day and so I don't over-consume food.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How Europe Can Save the World


Will Hutton, in How Europe can save the world, The Observer 11.03.07, says that the 27-nation EU has committed to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 20 per cent of their 1990 level by 2020. Therefore they will use the alternative source of energy such as nuclear, water, wind and biofuels instead of dependence on Middle Eastern oil and Russian gas.

As the EU’s committed to this issue, every new power station after 2010 in Europe will have carbon storage and carbon capture technology and this will lead to the elimination carbon emissions. Even farmers can now help reduce carbon emissions by growing plants for biofuels which is considered 10% of all petrol. Renewable energy is very expensive and the wind farms disturb natural habitats and mass befouling in the Amazon could accelerate the destruction of the rain forest.

Main idea:

This article is talking about the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the Europe Union and how countries in the EU will protect the environment. The article also shows the disadvantages of renewable energies.


This article is very interesting to know because it is talking about things that are important to our lives. The article is very long

Monday, April 13, 2009

An Inconvenience Truth Review

(Positive Point)

Edward Douglas,,says:

Al Gore's movie is explaining the global warming and its effects so that the viewer can easily understand.
Al Gore presented the information by using a slide show composed of pictures, charts and animated graphics.
The film is not about Al Gore or political issue that people thought about it, it is mainly focused on global warming and what will happen in the future.

(Nagetive Point)

Tony Medley, ,says:

--Al Gore is saying that the global warming is caused by human activities, but he did not give any prove that is true.
Al Gore and the filmmakers talk about Al Gore’s personal life, for example his older sister and how the accident to his son affected his life and made a change.
Al Gore’s film almost ignores the real environment calamity.
Al Gore spends more time trying to convince us that the global warming is happening now.

In my opinion, the movie was very useful and interesting. I totally agree with Edward Douglas when he said that the film is not about Al Gore or political issue because the film concentrates on the global warning not his personal issue. I disagree with Tony Medley when he said that Al Gore tried to convince us that the global warming is happening because every day you hear that there is an earthquake or climate change in some areas where may had not happened before.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth Summary

Former vice president Al Gore, shares his concerns on the important issue of global warming in this documentary "An Inconvenient Truth".

In this movie Al Gore discusses the scientific facts behind global warming, explains how it has already begun to affect our environment and he proves it by giving strong evidence such as charts and videos. Also he talks about the unsuccessful consequences if people do not act, and shares what each individual can do to help protect the Earth for this and future generations. Also he convinces us that there is still time to make a difference to defend our planet and gives us some ideas. For instance he asks that government and people should change their bad habits. Finally, we should all be aware about this threat because it will harm us and the governments should find ways to decrease their carbon footprint.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Task Two - Global Warming

You may hear that the global warming is caused by George Bush or divorce, but that is not the truth at all. The truth is there are many things which cause the global warming, for instance:

Natural Causes:

This is the release of methane gas from frozen tundra and wetlands. Methane is a greenhouse gas. Another natural cause is that the earth goes through a cycle of climate change.

Man-made Causes:

Man-made causes possibly do the most damage to our planet. There are many man-made causes of global warming. Pollution is one of the biggest man-made problems. There are many examples of pollution types for instance burning fossil fuels which release methane, carbon dioxide from power plants, carbon dioxide emitted from cars and carbon dioxide from airplanes.

Global Warming will have a serious impact in the future for instance: the temperature will increase across the world and the ice in the North Pole will melt. Also global warming will affect agriculture. New crops will be able to be grown in areas that are currently too cold. Global warming will also affect human health. There may be more heat-related illnesses in hotter summers, and increased breathing problems as higher temperatures increase air pollution in cities, reducing air quality.

In my opinion the main causes of global warming is human activities because of what I have written above.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

About Me!

My name is Ibrahim Khaleefa. I am 28 years old. I was born in Ras Al Khaima in 1981, but now I am living in Shahama. I am married and I have got a son and a daughter. I am an employee in Oil and Gas Company and I have been working there for four years. Now I am sponsored at ADMC and my major is Business Administration. My ambition after I finish my study at ADMC is getting higher position at my company and implementing what I have learned in ADMC. Regarding my interests and hobbies: I like to travel to India a lot because most of my business products are from there. Also I like using a computer and the internet.

In our blog project, Hedley is encouraging us to think critically and analytically about issues of climate change and global warming. I think there are many reasons that led to this problem, so in my blog I will talk more specifically about the climate change and global warming