Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How Europe Can Save the World


Will Hutton, in How Europe can save the world, The Observer 11.03.07, says that the 27-nation EU has committed to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 20 per cent of their 1990 level by 2020. Therefore they will use the alternative source of energy such as nuclear, water, wind and biofuels instead of dependence on Middle Eastern oil and Russian gas.

As the EU’s committed to this issue, every new power station after 2010 in Europe will have carbon storage and carbon capture technology and this will lead to the elimination carbon emissions. Even farmers can now help reduce carbon emissions by growing plants for biofuels which is considered 10% of all petrol. Renewable energy is very expensive and the wind farms disturb natural habitats and mass befouling in the Amazon could accelerate the destruction of the rain forest.

Main idea:

This article is talking about the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the Europe Union and how countries in the EU will protect the environment. The article also shows the disadvantages of renewable energies.


This article is very interesting to know because it is talking about things that are important to our lives. The article is very long

Monday, April 13, 2009

An Inconvenience Truth Review

(Positive Point)

Edward Douglas,,says:

Al Gore's movie is explaining the global warming and its effects so that the viewer can easily understand.
Al Gore presented the information by using a slide show composed of pictures, charts and animated graphics.
The film is not about Al Gore or political issue that people thought about it, it is mainly focused on global warming and what will happen in the future.

(Nagetive Point)

Tony Medley, ,says:

--Al Gore is saying that the global warming is caused by human activities, but he did not give any prove that is true.
Al Gore and the filmmakers talk about Al Gore’s personal life, for example his older sister and how the accident to his son affected his life and made a change.
Al Gore’s film almost ignores the real environment calamity.
Al Gore spends more time trying to convince us that the global warming is happening now.

In my opinion, the movie was very useful and interesting. I totally agree with Edward Douglas when he said that the film is not about Al Gore or political issue because the film concentrates on the global warning not his personal issue. I disagree with Tony Medley when he said that Al Gore tried to convince us that the global warming is happening because every day you hear that there is an earthquake or climate change in some areas where may had not happened before.